10-10 Koen-cho, Nagahama City, Shiga Prefecture, 526-0065
Nearest station
7 minutes on foot from Nagahama Station on the JR Hokuriku Main Line
*Hokoen-Park Parking Lot: Free for up to 3 hours for regular cars (15 minutes by car from Nagahama IC on the Hokuriku Expressway)
*There is a parking space (about 2 cars) for people with disabilities and those with difficulty moving on the north side of the museum.
Opening hours
9:00am - 5:00pm (entry reception closes at 4:30pm)
Every Monday (open if Monday is a national holiday, closed the following weekday), New Year's holiday (December 27th to January 2nd), and other temporary closures and partial closures due to inspections and exhibit changes
Admission fee
Individuals: 500 (400) yen for high school students and above 200 (160) yen for elementary and junior high school students Free for kindergarten and younger
* Groups must be 20 or more people. (Only applicable if the representative pays the fee together)
* Those who have a physical disability certificate, rehabilitation certificate, mental disability health and welfare certificate, etc., and one accompanying person, can enter for free. (However, proof of identity or Mirairo ID must be presented)
* Elementary and junior high school students in Nagahama City and Maibara City can enter for free.
* Members of the Nagahama Castle Historical Museum Friendship Association can visit the museum free of charge as many times as they like during their membership period.