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Enjoy the finest Echizen crab ”Kiwami”!

Enjoy the finest Echizen crab ”Kiwami”!

Last update

Only the Echizen crabs that pass a strict inspection earn the highest grade of Kiwami. It is said that less than 1% of crabs caught each year are classed as Kiwami. In this experience, taste the legendary Kiwami crab while talking to an expert who inspects thousands of Echizen crabs every year. Kani-miso-don is an exquisite dish made by mixing white and brown crab meat, grated daikon radish and soy sauce, served on a bowl of freshly cooked rice. You will also receive a souvenir keychain featuring the "Kiwami" tag.



Minimum Number of Passengers
1 person
Maximum Capacity
10 participants
Open Period
middle of Nov. to End of Mar. (during season of Echizen Gani)
Closed Period
Wednesdays, 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Required Time
Around 2 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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