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Kameoka has long been a tourist or leisure area for the rich cultural hotbed of Kyoto. In reality, it has a much longer history than Kyoto itself, with the locals living out their lives with a deep respect for nature for over 2,000 years. The beliefs, knowledge, and skills of that era have been passed on to our current time, and there is much for us to learn and realize by exposing ourselves to those lessons.
Izumo Daijingu Shrine, also known as Motoizumo. Built in 709.
Mikage no Taki waterfall at Izumo Daijingu Shrine. Every month, a festival is held to express gratitude for the bounties that gush forth from the earth.
Screen made by Kawasaki Sudare with common reeds from Lake Biwa.
Hozugawa River Boat Ride from Kameoka towards Arashiyama. Still conducted with the same tools and techniques from over 400 years ago.
Beautiful, quiet Hojoji Temple -- surrounded by vibrant moss and ferns.
This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.