The Eigen-ji Area Japanese Landscapes of Heart

The Eigen-ji Area Japanese Landscapes of Heart

Tour through the unspoiled Japanese landscapes around the Eigen-ji Temple area. Experience first-hand the beauty and appeal unique to this region. After a walk through the Eigen-ji Temple grounds, the head chef will deliver a lecture on shojin ryori, vegetarian cuisine originally derived from the dietary restrictions of Buddhist monks. A monk will also stop by to discuss tea and zen culture.


Vegetarian cuisine inJapan

Vegetarian cuisine inJapan 滋賀の食材にこだわった精進料理


Minimum Number of Passengers
5 participants
Open Period
Closed on certain days
Closed Period
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Vegan and halal options available
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Please check the official website for the latest information.


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