Experience authentic ninja training in Akame

Experience authentic ninja training in Akame

Try your hand at private lessons from Kawakami Jinichi, the man hailed as the Last Ninja by fans around the world, in the homeland of the ninja at Nabari. Those who wish to can take the test to qualify as Grade 2 Nindo students if they pass.


Ninja Master MR Kawakami

Ninja Master MR Kawakami NABARICITY


Minimum Number of Passengers
2 participants
Maximum Capacity
8 participants
Participation Restrictions
Closed to those under elementary school age
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Hotels within the city of Osaka
Open Period
Starting April 2024
Tour Schedule
3 days 2 nights: Stay at a ryokan inn around the Akame 48 Falls area
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Some applicants may not be accepted depending on details
Business name
Mie Travel Service.ltd
E-mail address

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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