A castle hidden in the forest: Jinguji Castle Sengoku Guided Tour

A castle hidden in the forest: Jinguji Castle Sengoku Guided Tour

The Jinguji Ruins site covers an area roughly 1.5 times the size of the Tokyo Dome. In Japan's history, the site once served as a frontline base of the Kaga Ikko Ikki rebel forces. Visit a Warring States era mountain fortress complete with a horikiri moat, earthen bridge, and kuruwa enclosed compound, and take on the role of a soldier of the time!



Minimum Number of Passengers
2 participants
Maximum Capacity
15 participants
Participation Restrictions
Elementary school students and older
Open Period
the first Saturday of every month
Closed Period
Closed for winter (December to March)
Tour Schedule
20-minute walk from meeting location. Jinguji Ruins locations in Arawa, Fukui
Required Time
2 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
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