Residence Tour

Residence Tour

Tour of ongoing pottery projects by overseas artists at the Ceramic Cultural Park (with explanations provided by staff)


Ceramics by overseas artists

Ceramics by overseas artists


Minimum Number of Passengers
There is a minimum number of participants required.
Maximum Capacity
15 people per session.
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Creative Training Center, Shigaraki Ceramic Cultural Park
2188-7 Chokushi, Shigaraki-cho, Koka City, Shiga Prefecture
Open Period
Closed on certain days
Required Time
About 30 minutes
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
Open to meal requests
No meals provided during the event but there is a restaurant in the facility. (Reservations accepted in advance)
Related websites

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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