”Underwater Observation Boat (Blue Marine)” touring Muroto Anan Kaigan Quasi-National Park

”Underwater Observation Boat (Blue Marine)” touring Muroto Anan Kaigan Quasi-National Park

The Awa Takegashima Marine Park is designated as part of the Muroto-Anan Kaigan Quasi-National Park, featuring extensive colonies of type-2 endangered species such as the Edamidoriishi coral. Participants can enjoy the stunning underwater landscape created by the ancient Electric Daisy Stylocoeniella corals and other marine life in this glass-bottom boat tour.


Undersea Viewing Vessei

Undersea Viewing Vessei


Minimum Number of Passengers
1 person
Maximum Capacity
40 people
Participation Restrictions
Not available
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Marine Nature Museum Marine Jam
28-45 Takegashima, Shishikuiura, Kaiyo-cho, Kaifu District, Tokushima Prefecture
Open Period
Closed Period
Tuesdays (open on national holidays and during summer vacation)
Required Time
40 minutes
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
Universal accessibility
Wheelchairs available for rent
Parking available for up to 3 large buses and 40 standard-sized vehicles
Information will be posted on the website in the event of cancellation due to weather, etc.
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This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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