Get off the beaten track with a one-day Ama diver tour

Get off the beaten track with a one-day Ama diver tour

Experience activities such as a visit to an Ama hut and a temple related to fishing, along with demonstrations of Ama fishing practices, all accompanied by an interpreter guide. Enjoy a lunch with actual Ama to immerse yourself in Ama culture.



Minimum Number of Passengers
2 people
Maximum Capacity
7 people
Open Period
Tour Schedule
Meet up with the guide -> Start hiking Mt. Aonomine -> Arrive at Shofuku-ji Temple at the summit ->Lunch at Ama Hut Osatsu Kamado ->Watch Ama fish at Mikimoto Pearl Island -> Disband at Toba Statio
Required Time
6 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Requires consultation
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