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Teppatsu Cuisine Ayame, Yuri, Botan, Aoi

Teppatsu Cuisine Ayame, Yuri, Botan, Aoi

Last update

Teppatsu are the iron bowls that mendicant Buddhist monks used to receive their food. Izusen's teppatsu cuisine is a modern interpretation of the Zen spirit and traditions of Kyoto cuisine, with seasonal flavors served in bowls made to resemble the teppatsu of the monks.


Ayame: 3,800 yen

Ayame: 3,800 yen

Yuri: 4,800 yen

Yuri: 4,800 yen

Botan: 6,200 yen

Botan: 6,200 yen

Aoi: 7,000 yen

Aoi: 7,000 yen


Minimum Number of Passengers
1 person
Maximum Capacity
160 people
Closed Period
Closed from December 27 to December 31
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Vegetarian only. The broth is made with soy beans, so the food is not suitable for those with a soy allergy.
Universal accessibility
Not available
Parking lot at Daitokuji Temple

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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