Countryside experience in the beautiful seaside town of Takeno

Countryside experience in the beautiful seaside town of Takeno

Takeno is a quiet town of old Japanese-style homes on a beautiful beach and shoreline located just 10 minutes by rail from Kinosaki Onsen. Enjoy various activities that make use of the whole village and let you experience the Japanese countryside. (Walking on the Nekozaki Peninsula / Townscape guide / Fishing activity / Fishing boat cruising / Takeno Beach clean-up activity / Geocanoe (Not available in winter)


Takeno Beach

Takeno Beach




Minimum Number of Passengers
2 people
Maximum Capacity
6 people
Participation Restrictions
15 years of age or older
Open Period
Closed Period
Some options may not be available in the winter season.
Required Time
7 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
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Please check the official website for the latest information.


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