ECO GREEN TOUR: Elegance & History in SAKAMOTO!

ECO GREEN TOUR: Elegance & History in SAKAMOTO!

This experience lets guests enjoy getting to know local residents and unique aspects of the location, led by a guide. [Sakamoto Course] The historic Sakamoto Course takes you through stately, atmospheric settings, covering the history of Sakamoto from its origins as a temple town for Hieizan Enryakuji temple while also touching on the history of other Sakamoto sites along the course, like the Anoshuzumi mortar-free ancient walls and the "satobo" homes of retired clergy. Select a cross-country bicycle or power-assist e-bike.



Minimum Number of Passengers
Maximum Capacity
Up to 5 participants per group
Participation Restrictions
At least 150 cm tall
Meeting and Exchange Areas
5-265-1 Ogoto, Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture
Open Period
Closed on certain days
Required Time Around
6 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Not available
Universal accessibility
Individual assistance available (elevators, wheelchair-accessible restrooms, etc.)
Parking: Available for up to 10 tourist buses or 100 standard-sized vehicles
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