8 Shrines & Japanese Lunch Tour in Kobe

8 Shrines & Japanese Lunch Tour in Kobe

Kobe's name is said to be drawn from the kanji used to write Ikuta Shrine's name in Japanese. This tour leads visitors to draw one of Ikuta Shrine's famed water mikuji fortunes, and also to visit each of its sub-shrines. Some parts of the tour may involve taxis for scheduling reasons, and also introductions to monuments that represent the city of Kobe. Join us for an eight-shrine tour of traditional gan-kake prayer hangings, yaku-barai purification, and prayer for health and good fortune. The tour concludes with a Japanese-style lunch.



Minimum Number of Passengers
3 participants
Maximum Capacity
15 participants
Participation Restrictions
Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes, as the experience involves a long walk.
Open Period
Meeting Times and Business Hours
Required Time
3.5 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are provided
Open to meal requests
Universal accessibility
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Please check the official website for the latest information.


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