- Sold via JTRweb - This ticket (1,500 yen) gives you access to 13 major tourist attractions in Nagahama City (you can enter each attraction once, and the ticket is valid for two consecutive days, including the day of purchase). It can save you up to 4,310 yen on admission to participating attractions. In addition, participating attractions offer discounts on food, admission, and other items, as well as free gifts.
Minimum Number of Passengers
1 participant
Meeting and Exchange Areas
Nagahama Station Tourist Information Center
1-5 Kitafunacho, Nagahama-shi, Shiga, inside the JR Nagahama Station
Open Period
Closed Period
Valid for 2 days (from the day of purchase and the following day)/Closing days and hours of operation vary depending on the facility/Vouchers cannot be redeemed during the New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3), as the Nagahama Station Tourist Information Center is closed during this time
Meeting Times and Business Hours
9:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. (Nagahama Station Tourist Information Center)
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.