Last update
- Sold via JTRweb/ - To promote the distribution and consumption of locally produced soba in Fukui Prefecture, soba restaurants that use 100% Fukui-native soba all year round are certified as “Delicious Soba Restaurants Using Fukui Prefecture's Soba.” All five restaurants shown below that accept this coupon are certified. Try the different flavors of Fukui-grown soba from each restaurant.
Amida Soba Fuku-no-I: Soba with 3 grated toppings
Echizen Soba Club: Soba with fried tofu and grated toppings
Fukubukukan Tourism and Souvenir Shop in Fukui City: Fukui Specialty Set Meal
Coupon redemption location: Happiring
This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.