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The clean spring water in the area is called “Shozu” (freshwater) by the locals, and they have long been using it as a precious commodity. “Kabata” (riverbank) is the name of the system in which canals circulate throughout the village, and its waters are used as household water supplies. Now, visitors from Japan and overseas can be seen in droves joining tours to see this water culture and the beautiful village landscape and to interact with locals. Harie-Syozu-no-Sato Committee organizes these Kabata tours so visitors can experience the bountiful nature surrounding Lake Biwa, living by the water, and the locals and perhaps even get a chance to re-examine their modern lifestyles. Local guides will accompany you and lead your tour of this community.
Life with Kabata (公社)びわ湖高島観光協会
Kabata culture and life forms (公社)びわ湖高島観光協会
Harie-Okawa River (公社)びわ湖高島観光協会
This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.