Rei-sai Kifunematsuri Festival

Rei-sai Kifunematsuri Festival

The golden mikoshi portable shrine used shines out amongst the fresh and verdant new foliage at Kibune

This annual festival is held at the Kifune Shrine on June 1 every year. It begins with a festival at the main shrine, where dancing and music are performed as offerings, then a mikoshi portable shrine is carried from the main shrine to the inner shrine. At the inner shrine, children walk around a sacred boat-shaped stone to perform a sendo-mairi prayer ceremony. Afterwards, the Izumo Kagura Group from the Kifune Shrine in Shimane Prefecture will perform traditional music and dancing to retell the legend of the slaying of the eight-headed dragon Yamata no Orochi.


Event information

Take a Kyoto Bus to the Kibune stop, then walk 5 minutes.
1 June
Official website


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