Boat Rentals in Ajiro for Fishing in Sea of Japan

Boat Rentals in Ajiro for Fishing in Sea of Japan

< Squid Fishing (Nighttime) >
When seen from space, the fishing fires of squid boats reportedly make the brightest lights shining up from Earth. In this activity, you'll ride a boat from the Ajiro district of Iwami, Tottori Prefecture to fish for squid in the ocean at night. The species you'll be after is swordtip squid, known locally as "white squid." Their transparent meat has a crunchy texture and a mild sweetness that never grows old. Biting into freshly caught squid is quite the experience to savor. You can eat it with wasabi soy sauce if you like, or top it with pickled ginger. Either way, it tastes great! Your captain will provide detailed instructions and help you with anything you don't understand. By the way, if you are susceptible to seasickness, please take medicine to prevent it before boarding the boat. All the squid you catch is yours to take home. Make sure to bring a cooler or a cold storage bag.

< Japanese Whiting Fishing (Morning) >
How about a fishing trip to catch Japanese whiting, a small fish, on the Sea of Japan along the San'in Kaigan Geopark in the early morning hours? Groups and families can rent boats for a fishing expedition. Availability is limited to only a few hours, but this is an essential experience to have.

< Seasonal Fishing >
You can also venture out into the Sea of Japan waters off the San'in area to hunt for seasonal fish. Rent a boat as a group or family for your expedition to find out what's in season now. Don't miss the opportunity!

Fee applies



Postal Code
Ohtani 2182-470, Iwami Town, Iwami County, Tottori PrefectureAssembly point for each experience: Ajiro Port
Port of Ajiro Branch, Tottori Prefecture Fishing CooperativeTel: 0857-72-0481 Fax: 0857-72-0052
< Squid Fishing (Nighttime) >
Leave port: 5 p.m.
Time: 4-5 hours
*Subject to cancellation due to inclement weather

< Japanese Whiting Fishing (Morning) >
Leave port: between 5 and 6 a.m.
Time: 2-3 hours
*Subject to cancellation due to inclement weather

< Seasonal Fishing >
Leave port: ask when booking
Time: -4 hours
*Subject to cancellation due to inclement weather
< Squid Fishing (Nighttime) >
Season: June to September

< Japanese Whiting Fishing (Morning) >
Season: mid-July to late August

< Seasonal Fishing >
Year-round (mostly spring and fall)

Booking services unavailable on days off and weekends

This basic information is current at the time of publication and is subject to change.
Please check the official website for the latest information.


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