Minoda Freshwater Pool
Bizarre, oddly shaped stones add a mysterious touch to the gorgeous seasonal views in this natural setting. Since long ago, the water here has appeared in poems and paintings as a place of stunning scenery and amusement here in the Yoshino River watershed. In fact, Tokushima Prefecture has designated Minoda Freshwater Pool as an official place of scenic beauty and a natural monument. The indigo blue, transparent water is punctured at points with interestingly shaped rocks. Their presence here is intriguingly peculiar. Along the banks of the 100-meter pool that runs a length of 2 kilometers there are beautiful seasonal flowers and trees. Ayu, also known as sweetfish, dance at the river's surface.
- Address
- Minodanofuchi Pool, Ashiro, Higashi Miyoshi Town, Miyoshi County, Tokushima Prefecture
- Tel
- 0883-79-5345
- Businesshours
- Open access
- Holiday
- Open access
- Website
- https://www-awanavi-jp.translate.goog/spot/20227.html?_x_tr_sl=ja&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ja
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