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Cycling Tour (electric assisted bike)

Cycling Tour (electric assisted bike)

Last update

Cycling is best way to enjoy the beautiful nature & culture in Ine !
Ine bay is at a length of 5 km and difficult to go around all spots on foot. The road is narrow, so touring by car is not attractive.During this tour, we visit the inside of Funaya and many beautiful and unique spots. Sometimes we will touch with local people and culture, that would be a best pleasure for your trip.The guide is local staff and know about the best beautiful and interesting spot in Ine.
Moreover this tour uses latest electric assisted bicycle “YAMAHA PAS Brace”. Totally different from normal bicycle or walking, its power is very strong and calm, easy to drive without licence or lesson. So even beginner or elderly person can enjoy without any stress.
The fee includes rental fee all a day, so you can enjoy cycling for free after this tour.

Time: Approx. 2 hours
Cost: \4000
※Please participate in groups of at least 2 people.
※Prior reservation is necessary (up to 5 days before)



伊根町観光協会 0772-32-0277
year-round *day off:saturday and New Year's holiday season
31 Mar 2020

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