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Sakaiminato is famous for yokai creatures because it was the birthplace of Mizuki Shigeru, the creator of the popular ""GeGeGe-no-Kitaro"" series of comic books and cartoons. The central highlight of this spooky district is Mizuki Shigeru Road, which is lined with bronze statues of yokai from the series. It's like an outdoor theme park, as stores, the train station, the police box and even the streetlights and park have yokai-inspired designs and ornamentation. Visitors of all ages will have a great time in the world of the yokai!
Photo provided by ©MIZUKI Productions
[Fee] Free to walk along the road
[Access] Public transport: Short walk from JR Sakaiminato Station
By car: Approx. 40 min. (25 km) along National Route 431 from Yonago IC on the Yonago Expressway
[Parking] Yes (250 spaces; 100 yen/30 min., 200 yen/hour, 100 yen/hour thereafter)
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