Ibaraki Municipal Christian Relics Depository
This museum opend in 1987, and built in Sendaiji where christian relics founded at first. Christian relics had been passed down under edicts banning Christianity in Sendaiji and Simootowa, where are the north of Ibaraki city. The portrait of Francis Xavier which is printed in a history schoolbook was found in this region. This museum exhibits Statue of Jesus Crucified, Fifteen Mysteries of Virgin Mary and so on, and introduces Christian history of this region.
- Postal Code
- 568-0098
- Address
- 262Sendaiji,Ibaraki,Osaka,568-0098,Japan
- Tel
- 072-649-3443
- Businesshours
- 9:30am to5:00pm
- Holiday
- Tuesdays(except the national holidays),The day after the national holidays(except Sunday),December 29th to January 3rd of the next year
- Website
- http://www.city.ibaraki.osaka.jp
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