Kansai × Things to do

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A Large Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SPring-8), an X-ray free electron facility SACLA

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Get an inside look into the production of the famous Kiyomizu-ware Pottery – Kyoto UNRAKU-gama

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Learn all about the many uses of ceramicsin these interactive diplays - The Kyocera Museum of Fine Ceramics

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Exotic ingredients and secret formulas for a fresh scent from 300 years ago - Baieido (showroom and factory)

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The industrial crafts of Sakai: from knives to bikes and everything in between- Sakai City Traditional Crafts Museum

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Introducing the achievements of entrepreneurs who helped to make Osaka great again - The Entrepreneurial Museum of Challenge and Innovation

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Learn the research-based ins and outs of disaster prevention and mitigation - Tsunami / Storm Surge Disaster Prevention Station

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Learn about the Customs Service and its vital role as a national and international gatekeeper - Kobe Customs

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Enjoy seasonal flowers! - Sunflower Hill Garden

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Tango Crepe Fabric Factory Tour (Tango Central Textile Processing Center)

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[Tottori/Kayak] Dynamic scenery awaits you! Kayak experience/Uradome Coast course

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[Tottori/Sea Kayak] To the places you can go only by Kayak! San’in Coast Geo Park/Uradome full enjoyment course

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