Kansai × Gastronomy

Total 122 Posts


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Take photos and experience the tea ceremony at a 1200-year-old tea house in Tambasasayama

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Learn Yamato -Yakuzen herbal cooking based on traditional Japanese food therapy with Kyoko Onishi, a Yakuzen herbal cooking expert

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-Have a wonderful time viewing the scenery of Asageshiki with Asuka's traditional cuisine and coffee roasting-

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vegetable holiday gojo vegetable kaiseki experience course

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Experience the spirit of prayer at the Shugendo Konpon Dojo

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The Realm of Light in Shadows Unveiled by the Porcelain Potter

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In Kumano, the “land of rebirth,” we renew our spirits

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Yamato and Kii, where the gods dwell. A journey to learn about the customs and taste and "fermented foods" that remain in these regions.

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A journey to experience the "one and only natural features and scenery" with "one-of-a-kind SAKE & WINE"

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The elegance and flavor of the "Miketsukuni (lands of royal provisions)"

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